The Summit Immersive

Create the exceptionally-led, highly profitable, team-driven, sales-oriented salon culture that you’ve always dreamed of!

Build The Company You've Always Dreamed Of...

We understand that shepherding a company from vision to reality is a huge undertaking - and we know that you have put everything you have into building your brand, and then some. Being an owner can be lonely, frustrating and exhausting. From leading your team to marketing, bookkeeping and inventory - it can all seem so overwhelming - with no clear path to profitability and success.

The Summit Immersive Program is a leadership and business building event that offers a comprehensive and powerful experience specifically targeted to help you create the exceptionally-led, highly profitable, team-driven, sales-oriented salon culture that you’ve always dreamed of!



We believe in accepting accountability for our actions, responsibilities and goals.


Our ever-changing industry mandates that we embrace new ways of thinking and new ways of doing.


We encourage others to focus their time and energy on what brings them joy.


Our leadership is powerful only in how it inspires and motivates someone else. ​

  • BLUSH SALON Newtown Square, PA

This program is designed to help you develop the skills to:

  • Bring first and second year employees to a level of performance that greatly exceeds that of the average 5-10 year employee
  • Empower your 5-10 year employees to break out of their rut, become high level team players and valuable mentors to your new employees
  • Create a growth oriented, team environment where your employees take responsibility for passing The Summit system on to new team members
  • Manage your salon business with a much higher degree of knowledge and understanding based on “the truth” rather than emotion
  • Increase your salon’s profit margin dramatically
  • Experience significant increases in salon staff retention, morale, focus and commitment
  • Improve all facets of guest service drastically
  • Implement a system to “grow your own” new employees and never again be held hostage
  • Breathe!


Registration is $1,950 which includes tuition for two and all course materials. Single registration is $1,450. Additional employees may be added for $700 per attendee.


Receive a $800 credit toward The Summit registration, and special pricing on coaching packages. Contact your SBP for details.


Registration is $1,250 which includes tuition for two and all course materials. Additional employees may be added for $500 per attendee.

  • "It's impossible!," said pride. "It's risky...," said experience.
  • "It's pointless," said reason. "Give it a try." whispered the heart.

We'll meet you where you are and guide you to the top!

SSBC is a happiness project that continues to impact thousands in the professional beauty industry through it's consistent approach to coaching and mentoring a team to achieve their own definition of happiness. Let us help you discover your potential, grow your team and enhance the lives of all!

L'Oreal Partnership

PPD Partnership Info

Summit Salon Business Center, in exclusive partnership with L’Oréal Professional Products, is committed to ensuring the business and personal success of every salon and spa professional. Our program boosts salon efficiency and cash flow by helping salons work better. L’Oréal Professional Products brands support our efforts in elevating the salon industry by making Summit available to salons that have a desire to become a trusted partner.

Upcoming dates are listed below. DATES AND LOCATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE.