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Welcome to Summit Salon Business Center's Team Training + Retreats, where we believe that investing in your company culture is the cornerstone of success.

Why Choose Us?

We are dedicated to more than just team training; we are committed to transforming the way your company operates from the inside out. Our retreats are designed to not only enhance skills but to cultivate a sense of belonging, purpose, and shared vision among your team members. By choosing us, you're investing in a partner who is passionate about helping your business thrive. We bring together industry expertise, proven strategies, and a genuine commitment to your team’s success, ensuring that your company culture is not just maintained but elevated to new heights.

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Discover your potential.

Our retreats are more than just a getaway; they are an immersive experience designed to empower your team to become the best versions of themselves. We focus on creating dreams, setting achievable goals, and thriving together as a unified team. Through a blend of growth opportunities and transformative experiences, we guide your team to not only envision their highest potential but also take the actionable steps to reach it. Join us in fostering a culture of excellence, where every member is supported in their journey to personal and professional growth. Let's unlock the full potential of your team and create a thriving environment where everyone can succeed together.

Lead the Way: The Retreat

Is your company overdue for some time to build rapport, laugh, and learn about each other?

Our team of facilitators has worked to craft one and two-day experiences that will combine presentation-based information with exercises, discussion questions, and games that can be customized to suit your salon company.

Keep reading to learn more about what we cover.









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The 'Me in We'


Mindset and Beliefs


Know Your Why


Creative Thought


Critical Thinking


The Four Agreements


Wellness & Balance


Continuous Learning


Level Points Applicable | Payment Plans Available

One - Day Leadership Retreat | $3,750

250,012 Level Loyalty Points

Two-Day Leadership Retreat | $6,500

433,375 Level Loyalty Points

Learn More

Cultivating a Culture of Love and Success in Your Salon

Running a successful salon is not just about offering incredible services for your guests or making the most profits; it's also about fostering a positive and thriving work environment. As a leader or owner, you have the power to shape the culture of your salon, and one of the most effective ways to do so is by sharing the love. In this blog post, we'll explore various strategies to celebrate wins, prioritize education, and build a supportive community within your salon.

Celebrate Wins, Big and Small:

  • Acknowledge Achievements: Whether it's a stylist mastering a new technique or the salon reaching a sales milestone, take the time to acknowledge and celebrate these accomplishments.
  • Employee of the Month: Establish an Employee of the Month program to recognize outstanding performance. Offer incentives such as a featured profile on social media or a special parking spot.

Create a Positive Work Environment:

  • Open Communication:...
Celebrate & Inspire: Effective Staff Meetings

Salon owners ask me, all the time, how do I get my team to SHOW UP for staff meetings?

How do I get them to engage?

Staff meetings have many benefits including boosting your salon culture, getting everyone on the same page as well as an opportunity to have everyone in the same room in a POSITIVE atmosphere. Here’s how to get the most out of that time together! Here are my top 5 tips:

  • #1 Schedule in Advance
  • Schedule meetings a year in advance and make sure your team has all of the dates written down. This advanced notice will increase the likelihood that they will be able to show up. It will also show how seriously you take staff meetings. When you can show how important it is to you, they will believe it is important as well.

I recommend having a staff meeting EVERY MONTH!

  • #2 Best Evers!

I like to start the meetings out by asking the team to share their “best evers” from the month.


Investing in Your Company Culture

There are challenging days in any small business, particularly in the beauty industry (deep breaths....). The culture within your company can either reduce the impact of those days or fan the flames until you are faced with a virtual bonfire! Many leaders struggle to even identify the pulse of the culture within their company let alone shape it.

This can lead to staff retention issues, loss of potential income and even leadership burnout. Imagine if you had a group of like-minded professionals working in your company that shared your vales and vision AND loved coming to work every day AND knew how they could contribute to the success and growth of the company - is that even possible?

Here's the truth about the culture of your business:

As an owner YOU are 100% responsible for the culture of your business.100% – not 99%! YOU are 100% responsible for the culture!

 Our experience has proven, time and time again, that strong salon culture is built on establishing and holding tight to a strong value system – this starts with the leader of the company....


Where to next?