Rebecca Acosta-Ojeda
Salon Coach
What I love most about our industry is the direct impact we get to have on other humans. As stylists behind the chair, we have all earned the right to not only give beauty advice but also develop a relationship with our guests based on trust. This can be a very vulnerable time for our guests, yet they sit there and allow us to transform them.
I relate this experience as a stylist to the work I now have the privilege of doing as a Summit Salon Coach. It is an honor to share the knowledge that someone once shared with me – knowledge that helped me and my team thrive in this industry.
Before Summit, I remember feeling a bit like a boat lost at sea, in the dark praying for a glimmer of hope to give me guidance as to where I should navigate next. I did a lot of research and was just cherry-picking different systems from here and there just trying to make sense of it all. My Summit Coach asked me "how much would you like to be taking home a month?" No one has ever asked me that, in fact I wasn't even paying myself. As embarrassing as it is to admit this, I'm also so happy and proud to have adopted the Summit Salon Systems. Now, I work one 6-hour shift behind the chair, because I want to, not because I have to.
My favorite thing to see is my clients faces lights up because they have that “ah-ha moment.” They understand their business and see the big picture like they have never seen it before. It is so empowering and inspiring to walk that journey with another salon owner.
Outside of working in this incredible industry, I enjoy spending my time outside. I am an adventure seeker and enjoy unique restaurant experiences, hiking in nature, and exploring urban landscapes.